After all when one invests 10k in hardware, even if that was to last 10 years (this still has not!) that would make it a cost of 1K/year and that it’s most definitely not cheap so I can’t accept the current policies where obsolescence is pushed earlier and earlier on hardware… hence why I love and I am thankful to anyone who tinkers and shares their findings and hacks to breathe new life into old machines so they will serve their purpose for years to come. It all runs super stable, very fast and I am not looking to get a new machine any time soon (also got a ATI 4870, 512 SSD and 12GB RAM to make working smoother). I must say I get more and more disappointed with their choices through the years, like that of making my beast obsolete before its time trying to force me (and many in similar conditions) to recycle perfectly fine powerful workstation while instead thanks to “Piker Alpha’s modded boot.efi” I was able to get El Capitan on my Mac Pro 2,1 which incidentally I am using now to write this reply. Quite disappointing that Apple went Airdrop-Nazi (for those who don’t get the reference, watch the soup-nazi episode of the sitcom Seinfeld) on many of us just because they didn’t want to bother supporting older hardware.

No prob… maybe someone else with a Mac Pro 2,1 will bump into this post and will share their results one of these days Was well worth to try… I’ll continue tinkering and doing some google-digging to see if anyone in my condition was able to get the Airdrop going… I am interested in it because even if slow that would be a better way to get photos from an iPad (which was what motivated me to look into it). Just practice patience and use your fingers and try clicking them in place until the “stick” and stay in place. I have seen people suggesting the use of a plier for this, but I really cannot recommend this. Connect the wires to the board.Ĭonnecting these wires might take a little effort, they are tiny, are a pain to line up correctly and need some extra pressure to make the connection “click”. These connectors are, as you might have guessed, the antenna connectors. Hold the card in the position, as if it would be in the WiFi Card slot and you’ll notice that the two wires (marked “ 1” and “ 3“) are not equal in length and kind-a line up with these two round connectors. If you look at your WiFi card, then you’ll see that one side has two round connectors on the top. When you’ve found these 3 wires: we only need the two wires marked “ 1” and “ 3“.

– Next align wire/pin3 and push it down using the eraser end of a pencil, you will hear tiny click – First install the Wifi card first in the slot, and secure the 2 screws One of our visitors (Dan) suggested an alternative approach, which may or may not save you some headaches: