Failing to do so will mean having to rush back to the nearest medic with a healthy but exhausted team. Stamina in Nexomon: Extinction does not replenish outside of battle so it is important you stock up on stamina-restoring items like ethers. Selecting a move which you do not have the stamina for will result in you skipping a turn which is a mistake that could be the difference from winning or losing the fight. Make sure you keep an eye on your stamina bar at all times as the game will not warn you when you select a move that costs more stamina than you have. So in order to have an easy time capturing Nexomon you will need to buy a good variety of food items for your inventory. When capturing Nexomon it is important to take into account food as each creature has a selection of foodstuffs that it prefers, and using one of these food items dramatically increases your capture chance. Make sure to Subscribe for more Monster Taming ContentMore Monster Taming Content:20 Upcoming Monster Taming Games for Nintendo Switch. To capture a Nexomon you need to throw the Nexo crate and wait for the animation to complete after which the Nexo crate will bob sideways two to three times depending upon the level and rarity of the Nexomon. Tip: You will be able to find Ultra Rare normal-type starter Dinja and the electric-type starter Gekoko in the wild in the very first zone. If you’re a Pokmon fan, you’d be very familiar with this game, as it has a similar theme of catching monsters known as Nexomon, with a device specially designed to capture them, called Nexotraps. This game was formerly available on every platform except mobile devices however, it is now available worldwide.

and a sequel to the RPG -style game Nexomon, which was very successful on both Android and iOS. Other good starter Nexomon you may want to consider are Trebly and Mara. Nexomon: Extinction is a game by Vewo Interactive Inc. The best starter in our opinion is the fiery feline known as Lume who is deadly all around the board. You will find that the most common elements at the very start of the game are normal, electric, plant and wind, while ghost and psychic Nexomon are a little rarer. At least one Nexomon of each element can be found early on and there is not much difference between them anyway so just simply pick the design that looks most appealing. People have eventually learned to live alongside the titular Nexomon and even tame them, but their main role as tamers is to defend humankind from future attacks.At the start of Nexomon: Extinction you are given 9 different types of Nexomon to choose between to be your companion. This is a game set in a post apocalyptic land where monsters have ravaged human cities to the point there’s only a handful of them left. The most noticeable difference is its setting. Perhaps just barely enough to be considered its own thing. Alright, this is basically the closest to a Pokémon ripoff I have ever seen, but I was surprised to find out Nexomon: Extinction has a handful of neat ideas of its own. Prismazor, Carnagrius, and Jeeta will also be included as brand new creatures accessible through post game content. The game will be free-to-play with in-app purchases. Nexomon and Nexomon: Extinction, two monster-catching games, will be sold together. Nexomon: Extinction is an epic monster capture role-playing game (RPG). Nexomon: Extinction is an epic monster capture role-playing game (RPG).

The game is going to make its debut on both Android and iOS devices on September 30. As the name implies, you’ll be getting two games here. has announced the pre-registration for its second game Nexomon: Extinction, a sequel to the first RPG mobile title Nexomon. To be honest, I thought the game was going to be a more blatant clone than what it ended up being. The package is slated for release on August 26, 2022.

I was equally shocked that Nintendo didn’t try to halt its release, as they have persecuted other games in the past for much less.

I was shocked I had never heard of it before learning about its sequel being planned for PC and consoles. Eventually I discovered it started out in the mobile gaming realm, a place not exactly famous for respecting intellectual properties or coming up with extremely unique gaming ideas. I had to do a bit of researching in order to find out the origins of the Nexomon franchise. You thought that choosing between three starters was already a tough job? Well, Nexomon: Extinction makes you choose between NINE starters.